Heal Your Ancestral Wounds
“young trees grow not by the shadows cast upon them by their ancestors, but by the rays of light that break through old branches”
Michael Gene Sailors
Join your soul guide, Stacy Mitchell, for this powerful multi-day workshop created to help you heal your ancestral wounds (whether your lineage is by blood, by choice, or by circumstance) utilizing Soul Regression Therapy and Energy Healing techniques for lasting transformation and re-connection to your authentic soul self
Your lineage is made up of those people and souls that are interconnected with your own, and generally denotes biological connection but not always, as familial connections happen in many ways. You derive your "lineage" through your parents, whether biological or adoptive, which creates streams of lineage from which your physical and etheric bodies are formed and influenced. We also receive streams of influence through groups we belong to and 'chosen' family with whom we create close connections. These streams of influence are also felt from the Ancestors, which is to say, our non-incarnated Relatives, as well as their higher souls (and ours), and higher beings of Light and Love who are here to support you specifically as well as the balance and harmony of humanity as a whole.
For the purposes of these sessions, the term lineage bearer will be used to denote the ancestral line you are working with whether that lineage was formed by blood, by choice, or by circumstance. You - in conjunction with your own Guide team - will be determining how you wish to define your lineage bearers and which ancestors in that line you wish to work with. Many people will choose to work with their biological mother and father and their nuclear family, but others may consider non-biologically related individuals that hold those or other important roles in their lives regardless of that person's sex or gender expression.
But you won't be working with your lineage bearers until the second session, so there is no rush for you to decide what lineage you wish to work through and why. There will be instruction and worksheets available to help guide you through the process.
Simply put, a wound is any point of pain that endures; usually formed by a "trauma" that was created by being exposed to an incident or an on-going series of incidents that are emotionally disturbing, physically scarring, or life-threatening in their severity and that have a lasting effect on our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
Therefore, the "ancestral wound" is the result of these trauma inducing experiences being passed either overtly or subconsciously from one generation to another down through the line, and often includes the passing of maladaptive beliefs and behaviors individuals and groups develop to cope with the trauma.
Ancestral trauma is different for each family or group and experienced differently by each individual. The good news is that no matter who you are, what your ancestral trauma involves, or how many generations have been affected, ONE PERSON in the chain taking the steps needed to access and actively work to heal the effects of this trauma can bring unified healing energy to the entire ancestral line.
The Soul Regression process used in these sessions is a consciousness transforming experience. Going beyond simply visiting a past life to mine information related to your current life - the Between Lives Soul Regression therapist guides you into a deeper state where you may access information about the make up of and plans for your Soul as well as your Soul Group, and the goals that you set together before your incarnation. You may also choose to receive deep healing experiences directly from the Beings of Light who make up your Soul's Council of Elders...the group of highly evolved beings that has committed to the care, nurturing, and guidance of your Soul at all levels of your Beingness.
These Between Lives Soul Regression sessions will help you to release negative karmic energies and soul agreements that no longer serve the highest and best good of all involved. Through this work, you will come to see your Self, as well as the individuals around you, in a completely new and expansive way.
You are also likely to come away with:
a deeper understanding from your Soul's perspective of complex family and group dynamics you have experienced
an ability to release painful emotions and beliefs you may have carried for an extended time
more compassion for humanity, and
a desire to make things better for the entire World and a sense of how and where you can create positive change
In this session Stacy will guide you through a full Between Lives Soul Regression specifically designed to help you access information about your own soul and to heal issues of relationship wounding that have affected you and the generation(s) that have come after you.
We will focus in this session on: you, your spouse/parenting partner/significant other, your children, and significant younger people in your life, like nieces, nephews, mentees, etc.
You will have an opportunity to meet with your Spirit Guide and be reunited with members of your Soul Group, if desired, and also learn what your between life soul plans were with your loved ones at a soul level in consultation with the Beings of Light who sit on your soul's Council of Elders.
Session One Instruction: August 1st @ Noon Pacific complete this session before the group process
Session One Gates Open: August 8th
Session One Group Process: September 5th @ Noon Pacific
In this session Stacy will guide you through a full Between Lives Soul Regression specifically designed to help you access information regarding your soul's reasons for incarnating with the members of your family that make up your core lineage and heal issues of relationship wounding that have affected you, your siblings or peers, and the generation(s) that have come before you.
We will focus in this session on: you, your parents (or the lineage of your choice), and your siblings /peer group.
You will have an opportunity to: examine with your Spirit Guides and Soul's Council of Elders how relationships of this magnitude fit into your karmic tapestry and what your between life soul plans were with these souls. Family-of-origin relationships are where a great deal of our wounds have originated either in our present day relationships or past life experiences. You will also examine the life and body selection process you underwent as a soul for your current incarnation.
Session Two Instruction: September 10th @ 9:30 -11:30 AM Pacific
Session Two Gates Open: September 10th
Session Two Group Process: October 1st @ 9:30 -11:30 AM Pacific
In this session Stacy will guide you through a full Between Lives Soul Regression specifically designed to help you access information regarding the gifts your soul's lineage provides you and heal issues of relationship wounding that have affected the lineage(s) you are working with and the world at large.
We will focus in this session on: you, your distant well ancestors' life choices and gifts passed to you, and the unwell ancestors that may need the assistance of your light.
You will have the opportunity to: learn more about your Soul's plans for your current lifetime and the lineage(s) you hold. The Beings of Light will offer a powerful cleansing and healing session to you regarding any karmic issues interfering with those plans for you or your lineage before you return.
Session Three Instruction: October 10th @ 11:00 AM Pacific
Session Three Gates Open: October 10th
Session Three Group Process: November 5th @ 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific
NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER: Soul Regression Therapy and energy healing practices, whether as online or in-person sessions, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always check with a licensed medical or mental health professional for any of your health concerns. Your participation is governed by the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of Honor Your Voice/Stacy Mitchell.